7 Useful Tips to Take Care of a Diabetic Patient

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The generality of diabetes has increased rapidly in the past few decades. According to WHO, a total of 422 million people worldwide are diabetic. Every one out of three is a sufferer! In this menacing situation, people need to be educated about the causes of diabetes. Furthermore, people stand in need of learning the tricks of taking good care of a diabetic and effective ways to prevent diabetes.

Two years ago, I worked as an intern in Hameedah Memorial Hospital, Lahore for 3 months. During that period of time, the illiteracy in people regarding their own health issues stupefied me. “Don’t eat sugary food!” It was probably the only statement that most of the diabetic take carers knew. Presuming this whole situation,I along with some fellow interns and doctors arranged a few notice boards. We gathered some facts about the disease, its causes, its prevention and its management. We planned to display them in every diabetic patient’s room.

Let’s explain a few useful tips to take care of any diabetic patient near you.

  • Maintaining Diet

Here comes the time to acknowledge the proverb, “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”

A healthy diet helps in healing and protecting our body from various infections. It aids in boosting our immune system. Additionally, it’s not all about avoiding sugar. Diabetic patients need a properly maintained diet plan. I’ll share some of the food items that will help you to take care of your patient effectively.

Food to Eat:

  • Vegetables having green leaves
  • Citrus fruits likes oranges, grapes
  • Whole grains like millet, rye
  • Red and Blue Berries 
  • Fish rich in fat
  • Beans like pea, chickpea and legume
  • Walnuts 

Food to Avoid:

  • Bakery items having refined sugar
  • Sugary drinks like shakes and juices
  • Alcohol
  • Carbohydrate rich food
  • Salty food having more NaCl
  • Yoghurt having fruity flavour 
  • Sweetened coffee drinks 

Diet can be easy and fun to follow when you will follow it together with the patient. 

  • Get them Regular Check-up

A regular and timely visit to the doctor is proven requisite. You need to have a check on their 

  • Blood pressure
  • Sugar Level
  • Cholesterol
  • Blood lipid check 
  • Kidney check 
  • Foot check 
  • Eye check 
  • Dental check
  • Insulin check
  • Enjoying Physical Exercise 

For a healthy body, physical exercise is required along with a healthy diet. Working-out can be enjoyable in various ways. 

  • You can either play some sort of motivational music or the music of their taste to work-out. 
  • You should exercise together. Again, it will keep them engaged in exercising regularly.
  • You can hire an enthusiastic and fun loving physical therapist who can treat them as a friend.
  • Regulating Blood Sugar Level

The factor that matters the most is the excessive rise or decrease in blood sugar level. In our body, the pancreas releases insulin and glucagon. They both work antagonistically to each other. Release of insulin in the blood decreases blood sugar level and vice versa. According to the best Diabetes Doctor in Lahore, here are some ways to regular sugar level of a diabetic naturally:

  • Provide them food considering portion control.
  • Help them in managing Stress.
  • Exercise with them regularly.
  • Increase their fibre intake.
  • Keep them hydrated and make them drink more water.
  • Observe their sugar level regularly.
  • Take care of their vaccines 

Having a check on the vaccine history of the patient is pretty vital. It will assist you by providing them with vaccines in the future. The most common vaccines for a diabetic patient are 

  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Tetanus shots
  • Pneumonia vaccine
  • Flu vaccine 
  • Put an end to Smoking 

Smokers are more vulnerable to diabetes type 2 than non-smokers. Intake of a large quantity of nicotine lessens the productiveness of insulin. So, smokers face more difficulty in regulating insulin levels. Cigarettes have some dangerous tars and chemicals causing diseases of eyes, lungs, heart and immune system.

  • Provide Psychological Support

Managing stress is a necessity. During the stress condition, our body releases more cortisol that works like glucagon. Furthermore, it decreases the insulin level and blood sugar level rises. Diabetic patients need to be listened well and treated well. They require emotional aid and not people who treat them as sick ones.


Alongside taking care of the patient, you need to stay calm and stress-free too. A positive person himself radiates positiveness. Boost them to take good care, live the life to its full, and keep laughter all around the room. Throughout the treatment, make yourself bound to this quote,

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