At various intervals of time over the last seven years we’ve found ourselves swapping our usual intellectual conversations (lol jk gossiping about celebs) with friends to an in-depth analysis into just who on earth A in Pretty Little Liars could possibly be?
The notorious A (also known as A.D or Uber A) has been tormenting Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields, Hannah Marin and Alison DiLaurentis since roughly 2010, and has had a number of incarnations over the years (remember when it was Mona?!).
Now that the 7th and FINAL series is drawing to a close in the coming weeks, we thought it would be a good time to stalk all the stars of the show on Snapchat in the hope we’d finally get some answers, or at least a couple of clues about A and the fate of the Liars.
Take a look for yourself with these PLL Snapchat usernames…
Troian Bellisario Snapchat username

Character: Spencer Hastings
Snapchat: Gaia17
Ashley Benson Snapchat username

Character: Hannah Marin
Snapchat: benzo33
Shay Mitchell Snapchat username

Character: Emily Fields
Snapchat: officialshaym
Sasha Pieterse Snapchat username

Character: Alison DiLaurentis
Snapchat: itsmesashap.
Lucy Hale Snapchat username

Character: Aria Montgomery
Snapchat: Noooo! Lucy doesn’t have a public Snapchat apparently. BUT you can sometimes catch her on the official PLL one.
Pretty Little Liars Snapchat username

Snapchat: PLL
Keegan Allen Snapchat username

Character: Toby Cavanagh
Snapchat: lifelovebeautyb
Ian Harding Snapchat username

Character: Ezra Fitz
Snapchat: Just like his on-screen bae Aria (Lucy), Ian doesn’t have Snapchat either. Waaaa!
Tyler Blackburn Snapchat username

Character: Caleb Rivers
Snapchat: thetblackburn
Janel Parrish Snapchat username

Character: Mona Vanderwaal
Snapchat: janelparrish
Vanessa Ray Snapchat username

Character: CeCe Drake/Charles Drake/Charlotte DiLaurentis
Snapchat: vrayskull2