As the years go by and the youth become the adults, weed has assimilated itself more and more into everyday life, and therefore, everyday business. Medical marijuana, commercial marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, literal marijuana commercials, edible marijuana, marijuana oil, marijuana magazines, and now YoursDailyNews Cbd articles.
Everybody else in the United States seems to be getting in on the reefer madness, so we’ve decided to do the same by introducing a new franchise: Weed Strain of the Week.
When I think of weed strains, the first thing that comes to mind is the 2008 stoner comedy classic Pineapple Express. In one of the earliest scenes of the movie, Saul explains to Dale how fire his newest strain of marijuana — Pineapple Express — is by only referring to previous strains that Dale had smoked.
The strain “Super Red Espresso Snowflake” always stood out because it’s the perfect skewering of drug dealers who tried tell you what kind of strain you were buying: they were really just making shit up. However, now that legal marijuana and dispensaries exist, actual marijuana strains are more prevalent than ever, so we figured it’s time we start learning them all, one by one.
This week’s Weed Strain of the Week? Guava Kush.
Guava Kush

Species: Hybrid
Guava Kush cannabis strain is a 65/35 Sativa dominant hybrid. The herb competed in the 2014 Los Angeles Cannabis Cup. Her buds are colored dark and light green, boast a forest of amber hairs and trichomes. They taste and smell of fruit. Guava Kush’s THC levels are reported to be 21%. She is sold exclusively in Oregon and Los Angeles. Guava Kush is good for evening and daytime medical and recreational use.
Type of High
Apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, ‘Segoe UI’, Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif;”>Guava Kush marijuana strain induces moderate cerebral euphoria and body buzz. Energizes the mind, boosts creativity, prompts giggles, uplifts mood, alleviates depression. Relaxes the body, relieves stress, has mild analgesic properties.- Effects.
The Taste and Smell of the Guava Strain
Guava is known for its pungent, tropical smell. It contains terpenes like Bisabolol, Carene, Ocimene, and Phellandrene, which often produce fruity and flowery tastes. Users report that when smoking the buds, the smoke can be a little hard on the throat. If you’re new to smoking marijuana, then you should expect some light coughing.
Basic taste of Guava Strain
- Tropica
- Sweet
- Tree fruit
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