Are you worried that you may get involved in a car accident? Do you want to know what the most common auto accident injuries are so you can prepare for them?
In the US, motor vehicle collision is one of the leading causes of unintentional death. Survivors also face a lot of potential risks. In 2019, over 2.3 million people got injured throughout the country in motor vehicle collisions.
Below, we’ve got a list of the most common injuries you can expect when you get involved in a car accident.
Common Auto Accident Injuries: Soft Tissue Injuries
The most common car accident injuries include bruises or contusions. They occur in both major and minor vehicle accidents. Yet, they’re also the safest injuries to have whenever you’re in an accident.
You have proof that you got hurt in the accident, but it’s not so serious that it causes health complications. The typical bruise also heals after two full weeks. Bruises also don’t affect your daily living much, other than cause some pain when you move or touch them.
Scrapes and Cuts
The glass, sheet metal, and loose objects in your car can cause scrapes and cuts when you get hit by another car. The same is true when you hit a structure, object, or animal. The good news is that these injuries are often mild.
If you have more serious lacerations, you may need stitching. Otherwise, you face the risk of blood loss. Infection is also an issue, especially if you don’t patch up your wound as soon as you can.
Back and Neck Injuries: Whiplash and Spinal Cord Injuries
Back and neck injuries are more serious issues that car accidents can cause. These occur when the vehicle stops after going at a high speed or crashes into another with great impact. The two types of back and neck injuries below are two common examples that lead to serious complications.
Spinal cord injuries include a herniated disc, which is when a vertebra goes out of place. It may also be a more severe spinal cord injury, which can cause body paralysis.
Whiplash is the injury to the neck that’s caused by sudden movements. The pain and symptoms of whiplash don’t appear right after the crash. When it does set in, it is often unbearable and difficult to handle.
One of the smartest things to do is to ask for auto accident help before you get into one. Call a car accident lawyer right away when you get into a serious car accident. He or she can tell you what you need to do if you’re in one.
Broken Bones
Our bones are quite strong, but they can’t always withstand the force of a collision. Bone fractures are always difficult injuries to recover from. Other than a long recovery time, you may also need surgery or hardware to set the bone and help it heal.
If you’re in the correct place during an accident, you can still get a reckless driver to give you compensation. For example, you’re a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk or on a pedestrian lane. Or, you’re a biker going down the bike lane.
You don’t need to be in a car to get injuries from a motor vehicle accident. Over 50% of all road traffic deaths are among pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists. They are most vulnerable on the road and need the most car accident help when they’re involved in one.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
A traumatic brain injury is a serious injury. Depending on the type and severity, the treatment and recovery can take a lifetime. It can change your brain in different ways, like:
- How it functions
- Memory issues
- How it handles information
- How you process emotions
You may also experience nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, blurry vision, and more. This type of injury often means there is bruising, torn tissues, or bleeding in the brain. Since the brain is so crucial to our living, it can cause long-term complications or death.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Injuries from a car accident don’t only happen to the body. It can also cause mental and emotional distress through the form of PTSD. Remember, PTSD develops whenever the body undergoes extreme stress, like car accidents.
Symptoms include having a fear of driving after an accident and sleeping problems. The person with PTSD can also have an aversion to sounds or images associated with the collision. While it is an invisible injury, PTSD is a serious condition that can hamper normal living.
If you get into a vehicle collision accident and develop PTSD, it helps to have a good auto accident attorney to back you up. The Kemp, Ruge & Green Law Group can help protect you from unfair accusations. They can also get you just compensation for all injuries, be it physical or mental/emotional.
Chest Injuries
The last entry in this list of auto accident injuries involves chest injuries. Often, you’ll see these injuries in the form of bruises and contusions. The front passenger and driver may also get bruises on their chests because of the seatbelt.
You may also get more severe chest injuries like broken ribs and injury to internal organs. Often, the driver will suffer chest injuries. The reason is that there is little space between him and the steering wheel.
Airbags keep the driver and front passenger from smashing into the front interior. Yet, another common cause of chest injury is the deployed airbag when the car gets changed. Still, this is better than a solid collision against the dash or steering wheel.
Find a Lawyer to Help You Out
No matter how careful you are when you’re on the road or walking the street, car accidents can still happen. They can still cause auto accident injuries, even when everyone says they’re trying to be careful. In these situations, it can be difficult to find justice or a person to hold accountable.
It’s better to be ready for anything than to hope nothing happens and not be ready at all. If you want to be ready for other incidents, check out our other guides for more informative content now.