Which Novel Does Not Have the Same Author as “great Expectations”?

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Searching for Which Novel Does Not Have the Same Author as “great Expectations”? Read here to know the right answer.

Introduction to the inquiry “Which Novel Does Not Have the Same Author as “great Expectations”?”

Charles Dickens was a productive English creator and is viewed by numerous individuals as the best writer of the Victorian period. Dickens composed such cherished exemplary books as Oliver Bend, A holiday song, Nicholas Nickleby, David Copperfield, A Story of Two Urban communities and Extraordinary Assumptions. His works appreciated remarkable ubiquity during his lifetime, and by the twentieth century pundits and researchers had remembered him as an artistic virtuoso. Gulliver’s Movements was not composed by Charles Dickens. It was composed by Jonathan Quick.

Answer to the inquiry “Which Novel Does Not Have the Same Author as “great Expectations”?”

Gulliver’s Movements:

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