5 Tips to Help You Get Motivated When You Aren’t Feeling It

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We all get that low feeling once in a while. And when it’s been one of the craziest years, it’s easy to see why. Have you lost track of your sessions at the gym? Maybe your goals no longer influence your life like before, or if you have been postponing your study sessions, we have ways to bring back that motivation!

But hey, you are here. That means you know you can do better and want to learn how to go about it. The tips below are all you need to get motivated when you simply aren’t feeling it. 

1. Ask yourself why

Not feeling it? It may help to ask yourself why. If you’re doing something that you are not proud of or simply unmotivated by being on the wrong path, it’s only fitting to reassess your actions and decisions at the moment.

Having bad spouts with a lack of motivation is not odd. But if it’s consistent in one part of your life, then it may be time for some change. Everyone’s interests, likes, and dislikes have varying definitions. Therefore, establish your groove and go with it!

For instance, if there is no motivation to go to the gym, opt for a fun activity. This omits the feeling of being bothered by something you have no interest in to fill it with what you’d like to get up and do.

2. Set goals

While some activities are optional, some can’t be avoided. They not only have to be accomplished but done in a specific way! These include school, work, family, and community commitments. 

If you are struggling to find your motivation in these areas, it helps to set goals for yourself. This way, you can handle your tasks in chunks and even get ahead of the project in general.

 Setting goals means having a SMART target below:

  • Specific= Your goal should pick out a specific action or achievement.
  • Measurable= A measurable goal is ideal.
  • Achievable= Your goal should be realistic for achievement.
  • Relevant= The goal should be relevant to serve a purpose towards your overall goals.
  • Time-based= The goal should have a time-frame.

 3. Don’t do it alone

It’s easier to feel unmotivated when going solo. Simply getting started is a hurdle. But groups encourage you to get going. A tip for your motivation would be to gather people to do it with you. Find friends, join a sports club, or join a community organisation where people can expect to see you often. Accountability is a critical part of motivation, and with people around you, the need to be accountable increases. 

4. Stay active

Adopting a healthy and active lifestyle has fantastic benefits for your life. Once you exercise, your mind releases endorphins to bring forth that feel-good. Without a doubt, staying active fosters a happier you. 

 It also reduces your stress levels and increases your focus and alertness. Generally, it enhances your motivation in various areas of your life. To stay active and motivated, consider joining a sports club or gym. 

5. Find inspiration

Staying motivated can be easier said than done, so find people that give you the inspiration to follow their pace. It doesn’t have to be a person or a mentor. Even a book or quote works just fine. The idea is to think of anyone or anything that gets you pumped.


Not feeling it is a norm that we have to experience from time to time. But the above tips should get your energy going even on the lowest of your days. Remember, greater motivation comes from involving a group of great people!

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