Blogging offers many different options to achieve success. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa since we all bring different skill sets to the table.
I’m analytical by nature (what else would you expect for an engineer/real estate agent?). I’m also an introvert. Give me any personality test and they’ll almost always place me square in the corner that leaves no doubt that being social is something I can do for the short term, it’s not something I can sustain without my mental batteries draining to zero.
So you might guess that methodical blogging might be what works best for me. I can be very disciplined (despite demands from 9 Chihuahuas and 15 cats) when I have something that MUST be done.
What works best for me and blogging to attract business is staying within my technical skill set: analyzing my local market and understanding what my target client audience needs and can’t find elsewhere. Posts about patio homes, condos, new construction, tie-ins to long tail IDX searches, those are things I know work for me. I can be efficient and productive when I stick to what I do best.
There’s still a place for the personal (pets, honeybees, flowers, etc.), but for me, those topics are the “extra” and not the core of my posting.
For you, perhaps it’s the exact opposite. Maybe you’re an extrovert and you’ve got the knack for being social and attracting a large following. You can post about ANYTHING and people will engage with you. And since they like you and KNOW that you do real estate, they’ll give you a chance when it’s time to buy or sell a home even if you’ve never written a market report in your life! Trust triumphs!
Find what works best for you. Maybe it’s all about the content, maybe it’s all about the engagement, or maybe it’s a mix of the two in a balance that works for you.
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help.