699+Best Troll Names

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Have you ever heard of trolls and their magical powers? If not, then let me tell you something about them. Trolls are basically the Scandinavian folklore who are giant monstrous beings who many a time possess magical powers and Troll Names.

Trolls look at men as their enemies. They live in a castle in the dark and they haunted the surrounding districts after the sunsets. They are afraid of lights and when exposed to one, it turns them into stones.

Names For Trolls

Trolls usually have creative names. Sometimes they have names best on their physical looks and personality.

If you are looking for some of the good troll names for your character, we have got a list for you. There we have enlisted some of the best troll names.

PoppieJassBarryTrolls Dash
BranchMikeMcKinneyFor Improve
BiggieHowarMckokinerNames Production
CreekHughChrisNames Tender
SukiBenHeywoodFor Burn
CooperDowverJabomveTrolls Swarm
SatinPeterDixieTrolls Miraculous
ChenilleFletNormousFor Lessons
JanyaniIhiAkrakTrolls Fiscal
JuwurriPavreHamiFor Capture
BirwirePvirishIvleNames Modsih
KahnaneSurchurasIrtwiTrolls Enviro
LujleRushgoriJiwliNames Nail
AyagiZulwathaSenweTrolls Hive
JaryayaTasyaBonroTrolls Aisle
ZulbarjinZolaTezziNames Sub
DititZujuteYajdnaFor Immense
ZenguZujiaZartnaFor Venture
VomyambiEkonIthraNames Corporation
ShengisJanfalTezaNames Athena
AjinKyrzoleKhuwaijTrolls Symbol
HokimaZetanynYeraTrolls Paradise

What Does The Name Troll Mean?

Most of us have stories about trolls and their notorious activities. They are monstrous beings who are very popular antagonists in many fairy tales and stories.

In the early tales, they are mostly seen as maleficent and cruel ranging from a gigantic size to a smaller size but mostly depicted as deformed creatures with magical spellbound.

They are known to have lived in mountains and caves of stones which they made on their own.

They are called trickers and man-eaters. They are also known to have enmity with the Christians and it’s believed that once.

The Christians robbed them of their power when they were ruling all over and forced them to go or flee into the wilderness of the woods. So they are also very sensitive to the sound of the Christian bells in the traditional churches.

Female Troll Names

Female trolls are called doxie. They don’t have a long upper task like the male trolls but they have longer lower canine teeth. But they are never seen resting in a hunching place like the male trolls.

If you are searching for good female troll names that match their characteristics then we have something that can help you. The chart below has a list of girl troll names that you may like.

WanjinYuhaiWohanaNames Tastings
AavoVintenkleZuljetebTrolls Ora
AigamuxaOrcs- evilSpringhlledTrollsiva
Blemmyes- grasslandManticorr- poisonousJotnar- giganticNames Wellbeing
Dingonek- largeSkunkape- deformedGemagog- distortedNames Livid
Girtabilu- lowerhuge and powerfulmountainNames Help
Hodang- mediumSatyr- large creatureYmer- very oldNames Remarkable
KabandaTalos- bronze bodyHrungmer- braveTrolls Hungry
Ogre- old and uglyTwerhers- hero of theGrwrell- magicNames Nip
RontayayVinjinZonjeryaFor Earth
TejaKinaaYerqueTrolls Splendor
VenhapKiyaSakathaTrolls Mentor
RenyqeJuliaaFelihejTrolls Line
PeraiharDetbunZenjalaTrolls Lady
FefeyaMauialaJirantyTrolls Extreme
Satin and SeyaHrungnirGrimzertFor Endless
Cemin and ChenilleSantwaqerBasmehtFor Trans
Smith and FuzberthTunher and DuheronAnubis and AqeronFor Marshal
Trolls SupplyTrolls EnhanceForcogFor Tender
For BunnyTrolls BerryFor DimeNamegy
Names WinkNames SpikeForwindFor Bank Shot
For UrbaneNames GatorTrolls DashboardTrollsadil
Trolls SeduceTrolls AngelTrolls StoneNames Nirvana

Best Twitch Troll Names

This hulking creature should have a name that matches its trait and character. The troll names have a range of variety and it often becomes very difficult for people to choose the correct name.

If you are in search of unique and creative Twitch troll names, take a glance at the table below. The names enlisted there are some of the best names that we have gathered for you. You can choose the one you like the best.

For UnlimitedTrolls LiveNamqueNames Dunk
Trolls ReliedNames NipTrolls TundraNamaza
Names PosterTrolls LusciousNamoramaFor Den
Names SuppliesTrolls KeplerNames KasNames Direction
Trolls BackfieldFor OperationFor StakeTrollsella
Trolls FireflyTrolls LabFor FissionNames Minimal
Trolls BaseNames BenchTrolls ReviewFor Domain
Names CloudTrolls OustNames PropelNames Wired
For JavelinFor BrakeFor OrderNamlia
Names GreenTrolls ZephyrFor CueTrolls Refined
Trolls AtlasTrolls AmenityForscapeTrolls Nurture
Names BismuthTrolls HavenTrollsoramaFor Spur
Trolls DevelopFor AttractNames DebtFor Cycle
Names DripNames EtherFor RiseFor Obscura
Names AdjustFor TagNames AddictTrollsporium
Names DreamyNames LineTrolls NetworkTrolls Performance
Names HavenFor AzraaTrolls ExecuteFor Kingdom
For PrimaFor VenustFor StriveFor Movement
Names EvermoreNames BlossomTrolls CommuneFor Kart
For ZenTrolls DesireNames CuteForaro
Names DefenderNames TogNames SyndicateNames Principal
For MilkTrolls PalaceNames SnowTrollshut
For JetNames StickerFor FoxNames Story
For RankTrolls RushTrolls RadiantFor Rumble
For MuseTrolls TuneTrolls CountryNames Division

Trolls Physical Description And Appearance

The physical traits and appearance vary greatly among the trolls. It ranges from an old and witty look to appearances and behaves more like human beings.

They are almost 14feet tall but as they hunch forward, their size appears 8 feet. Their skin had a greenish matte color ink black glowing eyes.

They also have large tusks protruding from lower jaws. But mostly they are described as ugly evil-looking creatures with their varying sizes. Their hair is always untidy, unkempt, and shaggy but sometimes they don’t have any hair on their heads.

Pathfinder Troll Names

We have often read about the pathfinder trolls in folk tales. There it was portrayed as the wild and evil and solitary brutes who would eat the livestock and flocks and rampage through the houses of the villages.

These pathfinder trolls are known to be cruel with huge power.

If you are looking for pathfinder troll names that match their characteristics and wildness, then the following chart can help you find the best one.

Trolls MelancholyTrolls StillTrolls LegendaryTrolls Highlight
For BoxTrolls GraceNames AssociateFor Grow
For LiftedFor LiquidFor StrongFor Programmatic
Names OperationTrolls BurnFor RetroTrolls Fad
For TransFor PushTrolls SeedTrolls Acute
Names TribeTrolls CoreFor StoryTrolls Serum
For LimeNames OroFor VividNames Blended
Names FuryFor PanelNames FlowTrolls Lighthouse
Trolls EaseNames VoltaNames RetreatFor Focus
Trolls MagicFor Zone DTrolls PauseFor Czar
For UnionNames HaloTrolls RapidNames Hiatus
Trolls SeptFor SuppliesFor ShowerTrolls Designs
For PhoenixTrolls SoothingNames BikramFor Accentuate
For SimpleNames BerserkerNames CreativoFor Panel
Trolls KarunaFor EgyTrolls HoshTrolls Rugrat
Trolls MetricsFor EuphoriaTrolls HarmonyFor Topics
For HeritageFor BitTrolls ZenNames Collect
For ChoiceFor JourneymanTrolls PastureFor Ready
Trolls PosseTrolls SplashFor AvaNames Gear
Names BashFor EmeraldFor LunarTrolls Restore
For CarveTrolls NiftyTrolls DreamFor Squad
For ResponseNames ShoreTrolls EasyNames Live
Trolls DoveFor OrganicFor TimeTrolls Affair
For DestinyTrolls CuppaTrolls TreasureFor Synergy
Trolls FlightNames LayerFor DoupNames Optimal

What’s The Pink Troll Called?

The pink troll’s name is Poppy. She is a hero in the tale who was the daughter of the troll king named king Peppy. This upbeat pink hairball, Poppy saves the day from the cruel Bergens.

Agario Troll Names And Their Meaning

Are you searching for unique again troll names for your character, then we have a full list of some of the best troll names and their meanings.

Names FreaksNames DetoxTrolls ContemporaryNames Impulse
For FreshFor AxeNames TempleNames Prestige
For TenderFor CentsFor LilyNames Nexus
Trolls BridgeFor StatTrolls ActionTrolls Catalyst
Names HostFor MerchFor IsolateTrolls Impulse
Names ElegantFor SmarTrolls BlockFor Bliss
Names ExplosionTrolls SproutFor BlurFor Paw
Names PrinceNames RivalNames AlpineNames Buddy
Trolls KisanNames TenderNames PearlyFor Charm
Names NintendoTrolls TopNames SoundNames Dobby
For YoungerTrolls GalacticFor SignalNames Slice
Names MaximusTrolls ThriveFor FlickerFor Saints
Names FathomNames FocusedTrolls AcquisitionNames Though
For HypeFor OptimalTrolls PlasmaFor Go
Names SmartNames JobsFor PreciseNames Floral
Names LayaNames DiceFor HerbedNames Fable
Names WorthFor ProTrolls SugarTrolls Ghost
For DreamworldTrolls HarpTrolls MantraFor Dune
Names BingeTrolls CabinTrolls ScrapFor Designs
Names DisplayNames WonderNames PedalFor Punish
Names RabbleTrolls PrimeTrolls TriadFor Count
Trolls TapFor ProbeTrolls ComradeFor Crave
Trolls HarvestTrolls TrendyFor CheckNames Haven
For CitiesNames ForceFor XanaduNames Pour
Trolls VitalityTrolls CraveNames PrintsFor Holic

Where Do The Trolls Live?

The trolls are believed to live in the caves of the mountains, forests,s and mostly dark and dank places of woods. They are very much connected to nature so they are mostly found in the wilderness of the jungle.

Being reclusive beings the trolls do not feel a close kinship with each other and they generally live alone or with a small group of two to four creatures which are mostly small family pockets.

Some also say that the trolls living in the mountains steal human maids and transform them.

These forest and mountain trolls are very fond of human flesh and this is the reason in the myths and legends they are considered as enemies. But they are also found hiding under bridges to escape the sunlight.

Male Troll Names

We have a list of male troll names that you might like to choose to name your character. These names are some of the best male troll names. They are very creative yet simple as simplicity is always deserved.

Names StrongFor AristotleFor ZagTrolls Skylink
Trolls PaperNames BlissFor HasteNames Investor
Names ExpandTrolls PlasmaNames ClearNames Source
For StockTrolls TonicTrolls MoreTrolls Source
Trolls LieuNames ComplexTrolls HypeFor Bros
Names HeroNames ProFor DriftNames Cyber
Trolls TopTrolls IndulgeFor CrossNames Deco
Trolls ReaperNames HappyFor NaturalFor Gaming
Names KnightNames TapNames BoostFor Moose
For TantraFor FineNames PhoenixNames Lifesaver
For UnleashTrolls FitTrolls BlingNames Bastion
Names AllianceTrolls BountyTrolls FodderTrolls Fathom
For NovelFor ConnectFor WildFor Redux
For MagnoliaFor CompanionNames IrrigationNames Elixir
Names VistaFor PassionNames VillageTrolls Refined
For EclipseFor SagaNames DeluxeTrolls Swag
Names StreamTrolls ExoticFor HustlerNames Climate
Names ActionFor DistrictFor ChairTrolls Jaguar
Names ProjectTrolls PatrolNames BurstTrolls Zen
Names BleachersFor PhotogenicTrolls CraftsFor Up
For CygenFor AffectTrolls VioFor Selector
For AnswerNames TouchFor WillowNames Collect
For RelishFor CerberusFor BridgeNames Punch
Trolls SpringNames TurboNames AcquireTrolls Lion
Trolls AphroditeTrolls FlowTrolls ShopFor Life

Troll Culture

 The trolls are considered dangerously cruel flesh eaters and wicked monsters, they have a strange culture and society with lots of complications.

They are very caring towards their young ones while they mercilessly kill the one to become a threat to the existence of the tribe or exiled. 

But they also have gatherings where they all unify under the king troll. But those are very rare occasions. The females here are more social and intelligent and even larger than the male trolls.

Troll Twins Names

Here we have a list of names that can you can use to name your twin’s characters.

Trolls WaxTrolls EmpowerNames JobsFor Cabin
Trolls ChecksTrolls WizardFor FocusTrolls Atlas
Trolls ScryTrolls KeystoneTrolls HutTrolls Arrowhead
Trolls PathNames MagentaTrolls BlueprintNames Glut
Names HypnotizingTrolls CutterNames HarmonyNames Possible
Names LaunchFor GlitteryFor InvaderTrolls Lavish
For AtlantisFor RuleTrolls ThriveTrolls Build
Trolls ArcaneTrolls AmbitionNames AnswerFor Creator
Names HoleTrolls SweetTrolls PreciseNames Marvel
Names AfterburnerNames ForageFor NakedTrolls Chest
Names InfamousNames ArtNames RatesFor Segment
For LimaNames AlphaTrolls PurityFor Connection
For AlchemyNames BambinoTrolls HeartNames Sunshine
Trolls PranaNames HorizonNames TakeNames Fighter
Names BridgeFor IvyTrolls LogicNames Gentle
Trolls PeanutFor PedigreeFor VistaNames Luscious
Trolls MachinesFor CalibreNames PlushNames Forage
For TwinkleFor LaunchNames TimeFor Bridgeway
For BoxTrolls Self-PortraitNames EagleTrolls Blink
For PursueFor SupplyTrolls ClubNames Charm
For VillageFor CloneNames SmoothTrolls Optimum
Trolls CommandoTrolls GhostNames MiraculousFor Sprout
Trolls BashNames YearnNames CultureFor Operator
For DaubFor NeticTrolls WebsNames Marker
Names BrigadeTrolls GatorTrolls FormNames Pure

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