5 Digital Marketing Techniques to Use on Social Media

How to Take Your Content Marketing to The Next Level

Nowadays, the demand for high-quality content is still on the rise. People want more original and fresh content that will keep them entertained, informed...

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Let’s cut to the chase. Nowadays, people eat, sleep, and breathe social media—4.48 billion people to be exact. This means your company needs to know the different marketing techniques when marketing across your social media platforms.

If you’ve had one strategy in place, but it hasn’t been working, you’ve come to the right place. Check out these need-to-know tips to help you create engaging content and increase community engagement.

1. Increase and Promote Community Engagement

There’s a 55% higher wallet share for companies that increase and promote community engagement. There are tons of ways to insight community engagement when using social media platforms.

You could:

  • Sponsor brand giveaways
  • Host a live question and answer session
  • Use emojis cleverly to entice a reaction

Consumers want to know your brand has actual people running it, and you’re not just posting endless amounts of content without taking the time to engage with your audience. When you do things like host Q & A sessions, you give people a place to ask questions about your company’s products and services.

Besides, these types of engagement options open the floor for you to continue sharing valuable information with your consumers that they wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else. If you’re hosting a giveaway, it could be asking a series of questions or having people take a survey for a chance to enter a special drawing.

By doing this, you’re getting the feedback you need about your company and its products while providing consumers an incentive for doing so.

2. Post Engaging Content

When you post content, it’s essential to remain consistent in doing so. However, don’t just post content to post content. Instead, ensure what you’re posting is informational, engaging, and exciting.

The best way to get people to click on the content you’re posting is to follow topic trends for your target audience. For example, if you’re in the makeup industry and your customers are looking for eco-friendly brands, create content based on that topic.

You can have a top ten list of the most eco-friendly brands for consumers to choose from and then ask followers to share their favorite products from each of these brands with you.

By doing this, not only have you created content with a meaningful message, but you’ve also increased engagement by having them share with you the products they’ve purchased and would purchase again from these brands.

You’ll never know how the content you’ve created will promote conversation that could help you determine future content topics as you move forward with publishing content across your social media platforms.

Remember, content creation is a long-term investment for your business and pays off because trends continue to emerge across every industry.

3. Use Location Tags

While we’re on the topic of posting content, don’t forget to include tags in your posts. When you tag things like content or photos, you can assure the people that are meant to see it will see it.

This is one of the best ways to increase your brand visibility on platforms like Instagram. It also helps you expand your reach if you’re in a phase of company growth.

Before tagging a specific region, ensure the people who live in these areas will use the products and services offered by your company. Otherwise, tagging that region is a waste of time and resources because you won’t get the recognition or visibility you’re looking for.

4. Utilize Videos

Some people are always on the go, which means they don’t have time to read a lengthy article detailed with information. If you’re in a field where details matter, you might consider utilizing video to get your message to your target audience.

When creating videos for social media, ensure you keep them concise. You can use a mixture of graphs and your voice to make the information you’re sharing engaging for everyone that hears it.

Using video is best for people in fields such as the healthcare industry because some of the things you wish to share can quickly become mundane for people to read. Using video can bring a fresh perspective to what you’re saying and keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

5. Personalize Ads

The more personalized the ads you create are, the better off your business will be—especially when you’re looking to generate leads. Consumers want to know that you’re speaking directly to them and not a mass of people.

Personalizing an ad can be as simple as including a person’s name or showing them buying suggestions based on their previous purchases. Personalization in the realm of social media is vital because you’re not the only business using the digital space to market its products.

Because the market is so saturated, it can be easy for a consumer to overlook your company because it is like the others. Take the time to do the small things that make a significant impact on setting your company apart from others.

Trust us, doing these things now will pay off in the long run by increasing the number of sales and loyal customers you have.

Marketing Techniques to Try

Whether you begin adding personal touches to each ad campaign you launch or utilizing videos, you should test various marketing techniques. Each method or idea will help you increase brand visibility and attract more customers over time.

Do you want more information like that found in the article above? Then scroll through some of our other insightful posts.

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