Introduction to the question “What company was once known as “Quantum Computer Services Inc.”?“
AOL was founded in 1985 as Quantum Computer Services, an online services company. In 1991, Quantum was renamed America Online. America Online was one of the early pioneers of the Internet in the mid-1990s, and the most recognized brand on the web in the United States. It originally provided a dial-up service to millions of Americans, as well as providing a web portal, e-mail, instant messaging and later a web browser. In 2006, America Online ditched its full name to just be known as AOL. At its peak, AOL’s membership was over 30 million members worldwide.
Answer to the question “What company was once known as “Quantum Computer Services Inc.”?”
AOL was founded in 1985 as Quantum Computer Services, an online services company. In 1991, Quantum was renamed America Online. America Online was one of the early pioneers of the Internet in the mid-1990s, and the most recognized brand on the web in the United States. It originally provided a dial-up service to millions of Americans, as well as providing a web portal, e-mail, instant messaging and later a web browser. In 2006, America Online ditched its full name to just be known as AOL. At its peak, AOL’s membership was over 30 million members worldwide.
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