June Challenge II: Declaration Of Independence – The 13 Colonies

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“We take the stars from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty.”

– George Washington.

The Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies, the Thirteen American Colonies, or later the United Colonies, were a group of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America. Founded in the 17th and 18th centuries, they began fighting the American Revolutionary War in April 1775 and formed the United States of America by declaring full independence in July 1776 – Wikipedia

How The 13 Colonies Were Found

Can you name all of the thirteen colonies? Here’s a short video about the history of the 13 colonies. 

The American Flag Today

The thirteen stripes represent the thirteen colonies that formed the United States, and the fifty stars represent the fifty states that make up our nation. Each star represents a state, and each stripe represents a colony.

The flag reminds us of the sacrifices made by the men and women who fought and died for our country. We respect their courage and bravery, which inspires us to be better citizens.

It symbolizes our strength and resilience, united as one nation.

Our national anthem represents the proud tradition, history, and strong beliefs of our country and the American people. The words and melody of the Star-Spangled Banner evoke feelings of patriotism among us and remind us of the glory, beauty, and rich heritage we come to seize, enjoy, celebrate, and hold dear to our hearts and souls. 

We, American citizens, stand for freedom, justice, and hope. No matter what challenges we face, we can overcome them if we work together.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” — Abraham Lincoln

My sincere thanks to our hosts for the June Challenge: Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho, and Endre Barath, Jr. Thank you for your thoughtful challenge and combined effort in hosting it…Aura Alex

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