Youtube Filters not Working? Fixed!

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Gourav Das
Gourav Das is an irreverent copywriter and business writing coach. He's on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook and to make boring business blogs sparkle.

Youtube is one of the largest social networks in the world that allows users to view, upload and share videos from various sources. There are tons of videos on Youtube, so it might be arduous to find accurately what types of video you are searching for. Therefore, Youtube offers a tool called search filter in order to filter the results based on the user’s searching requirements. It is likely to arrange the user’s result by using their mobile phone or PC. The filter tool will sort the search by assessing these videos through a list of elements such as Upload date, Type, Duration, Features and Sort by. However, many have recently reported that none of the filters like time are working for them. Being aware of how annoying this problem is, we write this post to help you fix ‘Youtube filters not working’ error. 
For example, you require a video which was uploaded today, video type, short duration, and HD feature, so those videos on the result will be filtered depending on this need. 

                                          Youtube Filter

However, Youtube search filter is temporarily not available because Youtube managers are removing graphic and violative contents from Youtube. They say it is some technical problem that happens as they try to strengthen anti-violence measures. Especially, the Youtube filter was turned off in response to the terrible shooting happened in New Zealand. This option is disabled because they don’t want any user to watch videos of New Zealand shooting which was reuploaded the killer’s stream, and they are also restricting all videos related to shooting and racism. Therefore, Youtube filter seems to be broken.

                                    Youtube Filter not working

If you are encountering Youtube Filter not working problem, so you need to have the filter working again, we will guide how to fix it. Let’s try those below solutions until Youtube filter is solved completely.

Find a quick fix for Youtube filter not working

Google Advanced Search

Google Advanced Search is a feature of Google that allows users to designate supplementary requirements for a search. Using Google Advanced Search when you are looking for information, this tool will give additional information requirements which help refine your search. 

                                          Google Advanced Search

You can fix the inoperative Youtube filter by using Google Advanced Search tool on Specifically, on website, there is also a filter tool, so you can look for videos on Google and use its filter tool then the search will be filtered. The way is that when you access to search for videos on Youtube, you need to add “” after the video name. For instance, we are looking for videos that solve Youtube filter error, so we type in the search bar: How to fix Youtube filter not working, then tap to Video to display all videos.

Quick fix for Youtube filter
                        The solution for Youtube Filter not working

After all of the results come out, you use the Tools in the left corner in order to categorize your search.

Next, it will show up 2 categories which are Any time and All result to sort the results. For example, in All time, you can select these videos which were uploaded past hour, so the searching system of Google will present all videos that were published an hour ago only. 

Google search result
                                        Google Advanced Search

It is undoubted that Google Advanced Search is the alternative means of advanced search for Youtube Search Filters. The Youtube managers confirmed that Youtube Search Filters will work normally again as soon as possible. 

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